World War I ( 4 August 1914 to 11 November 1918)
Franco-German rivalry proved to be the main cause of World War I.
Main powers:
Central Powers comprising Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria on one side, and
Allied Powers comprising England ,France ,Belgium ,Serbia, Russia and Italy.
How the war broke out ?
When Austria attached Serbia, after one month of Prince Ferdinand’s murder,it drew Russia towards Serbia.Germany entered the fray to support Austria because it had vested interests in Turkey and was committed to support Austria. One after the other, France ,England and other countries entered the war.
Result :
Central Power was defeated. Bulgaria, Turkey and Austria surrendered .Germany signed the Armistice Treaty on 11 November 1918 and World War I ended.
In 1919 the treaty of Versailles was signed which curbed powers of the German empire, further humiliating and weakening it.